Monday March 31, 2025 13:05 - 13:35 BST
Provide a live demo with PoE capable switch.

Power over Ethernet (PoE) functionality is now integrated with the Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI), enhancing management and scalability for enterprise edge deployments. PoE delivers both power and data over existing Ethernet cables, powering devices like IP cameras and wireless access points. Standardizing the PoE API within SAI ensures compliance with RFC standards, simplifying power delivery and device management at the network edge. This integration promotes interoperability between devices from various vendors, simplifies edge network deployment, and enhances scalability for future growth. We'll explore the technical details of this PoE integration with SAI, its impact on edge infrastructure, and its role in creating more efficient network solutions. Additionally, this functionality is being integrated into the SONiC platform, further strengthening its capabilities for enterprise deployments.
avatar for Gai Nachum

Gai Nachum

Software architect, MARVELL
Over twenty years experience in embedded networking.Open code projects experience: SAi, SONiC, OpenSwitch, OpenFlow.I believe that the future of networking is open NOS.

Daniel Murin

Software Engineer, Marvell
Monday March 31, 2025 13:05 - 13:35 BST
SONiC Booth

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